| 1. | Model based on term rewriting provides an algebra specification for the realization of risk analysis 项重写的风险分析模型以其良好的代数规范为风险分析的实现提供了理论基础。 |
| 2. | 8 feng s , cao s , liu s . mechanizing weak termination proving of term rewriting systems by induction . in proc 本方法是对基于结构归纳法和项重写的弱终止性形式自动证明方法的扩展。 |
| 3. | Theoretical computer science , 1997 , 175 : 127 - 158 . 3 toyama y . how to prove equivalence of term rewriting systems without induction 本方法基于覆盖集合归纳法和项重写系统的元计算模型:动态项重写计算。 |
| 4. | 9 feng s , sakabe t , inagaki y . confluence property of simple frames in dynamic term rewriting calculus . ieice trans . information and systems , 1997 , e80 - d : 625 - 645 它大幅度拓宽了前面证明方法的应用范围,并可以应用于非终止非合流以及非左线性的项重写系统。 |
| 5. | But the existing risk analysis model based on term rewriting ignores the induction procedure from risk to decision , and makes it easy to propagate the potential vulnerability 但是现存项重写的模型忽略了分析和决策之间的推理过程,容易导致潜在威胁的传播。 |
| 6. | Based on the algebra specification of term rewriting model , this paper builds the attack scenario and performs the risk analysis in the way of graph rewriting 该模型依赖项重写系统所建立的风险签名和重写规则,以项图的方式实现攻击场景的构建和风险分析过程。 |
| 7. | 11 feng s . equivalence proving of term rewriting systems by induction . computer science , 2000 , 27 : 5 - 7 . in chinese 12 gramlich b . abstract relations between restricted termination and confluence properties of rewrite systems 本方法既可以通过在证明中使用命题来实现“向前证明” ,也可以通过在证明的过程中发现引理来实现“向后证明” 。 |
| 8. | Weakly terminating property in a restricted domain of a term rewriting system , one with structural induction , one with cover - set induction , and the third without induction , and describes their mechanization based on a meta - computation model for term rewriting systems - dynamic term rewriting calculus 基于覆盖集合归纳法的项重写系统弱基终止性证明的机械化论文提出一种关于一般化了的项重写系统弱基终止性,即,在特定领域的项重写系统弱终止性的形式自动证明方法。 |